11 8月 2010

MTV3000 火牛門

剛才回家,我的MTV3000前面的熒光幕閃閃下,接住我turn off後面個POWER,再開機,前面的熒光幕沒有顯示,望望後面,得LAN PORT 2盞燈勁閃,怎麼辦?


2010.08.12 更新:
MTV3000的火牛是12V 1.5A ,我又用回我駁WD500G external HDD的火牛( 12V, 2A ),MTV3000立刻返生!遲點再買過火牛吧 :(


香港討論區 - MTV300 問題 (已解決,是火牛壞了)
香港討論區 - MAGIC TV 3000 係咪壞左?

14 則留言:

  1. 未過保用期去換火牛吧, 過左就買過隻啦! 我部MTV5000都試過, 換左火牛就得喇.

  2. I agree, that is cause by the power supply. Change a new one to solve it. Good Luck!

  3. 又輪到風扇死左. 都係果句, 未過保用期, 去換風扇, 過左, 自己去鴨記買, 記住要睇清楚轉速(越快越嘈, 太僈過熱).

  4. MTV 的火牛,出晒名差,我那個早一個月前也燒了,自己出去另買一個好一點的! =_="

  5. 去鴨記邊度買好??

  6. 全世界都系呢個問題, MTV 真系要換SOURCING 火牛了, 我有的2部MTV火牛都死左... 問題如上面一樣, 去鴨記買過個火牛($65,有牌子好D), 而家佢可能大賣而加左價!!!

  7. I just have the same problem. Box kept on turning on and off. At first I thought the box was out of order. After reading this thread, tried using transformer of my Buffalo hard disk and the box works again. Called MagicTV for replacement since I got 3 yrs. extended warranty from retailer. So non-sense that MagicTV asked me to bring along the box and the transformer to Science Park. I told them only the transformer is out of order but they insisted I have to bring along the box. It is so ridiculous and I am not going to bring the whole thing to Science Park just to get their stupid $80 transformer. I am so disappointed on MagicTV's after sale service.

    I bought the box on 2008 and this is the 2nd transformer which is out of order. The box's quality is fine but the transformer is such a failure. If MagicTV does not resolve this issue I think their business will suffer eventually.

  8. 我個 mtv3000 風扇有時都幾嘈, 想問下有個風扇係咩 size? 鴨記/腦場 有無得買返呢?

  9. 就講就中, 我個 mtv3000 有問題, 我用一隻舊火牛 (以前 GP charger, 12V 1500ma) 頂住.

  10. Same case, luckily i have a spared WD harddisk transformer, is it OK for a long run ? : )

  11. My Magic TV 3100 D got same power supply problem after 1 year, I just changed a new 12V 2A Power Supply and everything back to Normal.

  12. I would like to change the fan myself but can't open the box after unscrewing 4 screws. How do you open it? thanks

  13. Q: How to open up the Magic TV MTV3000, and change the cooling fan on the chip (if you heard noise inside the box)?

    A: (Caution: Please do it at your own risk. I do not bare any responsibility, if you break your box.)

    (1) Please prepare the follow tools,

    -- Ordinary screw driver "+"
    -- T8, the star-hexagon-like screw driver
    -- Cutter

    (2) Please follow the steps below:

    a) Turn the box downside up. Loose the 1st set-of-4 screws (with "+" screw driver)

    b) Use the cutter to remove the 4 rubber stand, and loose the 2nd set-of-4 screws underneath (with "+" screw driver)

    c) Face the back panel. Loose the 3rd set-of-4 screws (with "+" screw driver)

    d) Use the T8 screw driver to loose the star-hexagon screw

    e) The plastic bottom case will be loosen. DO NOT PULL as there are ONE wide-flat-fragile ribbon cable (connecting the front LED-matrix panel), and ONE pair of wire (the main power switch)

    f) Focus on the connector of the wide-flat-fragile ribbon cable on the circuit board. Carefully pull the locks by the side of the connector. Once done, the cable can be easily pull out

    g) Focus on the connector of the pair of wire (which connecting the main power switch). Pull it out carefully

    h) The main circuit board is now completely out. The 12v DC coolong fan is sitting right on the top of the chip

    i) Reverse the steps to close the box when done

    (I did not change it and test it yet. But most probably,
    [1] that fan is the source of the NOISE I heard;
    [2] the fan is similar to those seen on PC main board, or on VGA cards.
    So, again, do it at your own risk.)

