Magic TV™ MTV5000D 繼承了MTV5000的所有強大功能和品質,並且增加了一個調諧器,可以提供增強的靈活性。現在您可以同時錄製任意兩個頻道。
節錄重點(vs MTV5000 single tuner):
- 多了 eSATA接口,無縫擴展錄影磁碟空間
( 高清晰度圖片: 機背 )
p.s. 如果由internal HDD 抄出節目,用eSATA比USB2.0 快好幾倍!!!! ( Gbit/s vs Mbit/s ) - 遙控器 由白色轉為黑色
( 高清晰度圖片: 遙控器 )
(vs MTV5000 +$700)
(vs MTV3000 +$2300)
也應該要去豐澤看看優惠價如何呢... ;)
》官網 - Magic TV - MTV5000D功能介紹
》官網 - Magic TV - 產品介紹
- 可了解 MTV3000/5000/5000D的分別
- 值得注意的地方是
所有 Magic TV™ 型號都具備同樣直觀和功能強大的用戶界面,晶瑩剔透的1080p高清畫質,七日電子節目表和時尚、環境友好的設計。
- 這代表MTV5000D 未來firmware有的新功能(豁除硬件所限),其他型號都會有嗎? :P
- 這是新的手冊,適用於了MTV3000/5000/5000D的
- PDF 13/26 (page27): 3.5 外接硬碟
- 寫明 2.5" HDD 最好用插2個USB 以減少不穩定
- USB Thumb drive 不能使用
- PDF 25/36 (page51): 6.11編輯功能
- 加了一條新的 技術支持相關問題 q27
單調諧器Magic TV™型號使您可以同時錄製兩個頻道,而且還可觀賞第三個頻道。(這三個頻道必須在相同的UHF頻段廣播,請參考下面的表格)
雙調諧器Magic TV™型號避免了衝突的可能性,使您可以同時欣賞和錄製位於不同UHF頻段的頻道。
截至2008年8月20日處於相同頻段的頻道#1 UHF頻段 11,16,81,84頻道 #2 UHF頻段 82,83,85頻道 #3 UHF頻段 12,13,14,15,17,19頻道
如果Magic TV™在設置和添加預約錄影時監測到衝突和重疊,將會出現一條消息,請您設置節目的優先順序。(請參考Magic TV™的用戶手冊以獲得更多資訊)
The only thing which I think 5000D is lacking ----- TWO HDMI outputs.
It will be fun if PMS can design and produce a hi-end outboard power supply (supports 220V AC in 12V out with top components)as an optional accessory for demanding users.
MTV都可以一齊用埋component in架...quality 都唔差
I think you can also choose to buy a even better one in shops already :P
2 HDMI outputs ----- one directly to plasma TV, one directly to AVM to mamimize audio and video quality.
I bought 5000D yesterday, picture quality even slightly better than MTV 3000. The firmware is 1.12 version. So i believe there will be update for 3000 and 5000 pretty soon. Wonder what is new in this issue
wow! nice to meet you 5000D user
I guess the new firmware will have some bug fix, no dramatic new features yet :P
After 2 days operation, my 5000D seem starts runing in and the picture much realistic compare to 3000. moreover , the colour is richer but seem more natural compare to 3000
haha... I will think you will see picture quality degrade soon becoz the opening of TVB iNews channel has consumed some bandwidth used by J2 & Jade HD :P
hopefully the authority concern will do something about it
I think there are rooms for improvement which include:
1) The data export function is very unique in the market, but it would be much more useful if it can export data to DVDR or SD card. Nowadays, there are BD players that can play AVCHD files stored in DVD and SD. Ideally, bundle with DVDR in the device would be great as DVDR can record 1 hr+ HD programme in AVCHD format that is good enough for TV programe.
2) As your device can export dada, then it can focus on using HD size of 320G for making the price more competitive (say below 4,000).
3) Keeping recording in a folder is a good idea. But to make this more user friendly, it should allow files be stored in a specific folder (under a name of a TV series) when programming such that all recording of this TV series be stored in this specific folder automatically.
I only know that for PS3, old firmware can play TS and M2TS, but the latest firmware cannot play TS again. It requires to remux to M2TS :(
The second problem is the subtitle problem. X_X
If those BD players can TS without any conversion and with subtitle support, then the data export function should be useful :P
TS we are talking about is MPEG2-TS, it should be exactly the same as M2TS.
After using MTV5000D for several months, I am very satisfied about the picture quality but find out one feature that must have is a consolidated list about the recording schedule.
I have frequently encountered a issue that a program was recorded not in line with my intention and then find it difficult to check the recording schedule or to cancel the repeating recording as online 7 days program not yet listing the program that recorded in the past 24 hours. A consolidated list can enable user edit the recording schedule more easily.
Other improvement ideas include:
1) Keeping recording in a folder is a good idea to enable easy search. To make this more user friendly and more useful, I would highly recommend to allow user change the name of the folder to fit that actual usage. By doing so, user can store a TV series in a specific folder where the TV series can be the name of the folder. Though MTV5000D has provided folder name like customer 1,2,3, but it would be difficult to remember what the folder refers to unless you can allow user to change the name. In case you really can not do this at the moment, pls help to open a new folder name like “cooking” and “dining”.
2) Pls consider to enable user to edit the title name of a recorded file. This function is very useful and is available in Pioneer hard disk recorders. The title edit function is important as user want to identify the content of that specific recording. For example, a file like Financial Times is a very general name but user do want to use a title name to remark down which specific Financial Times is for the Lehman Brother reporting. Besides, it happens from time to time that the program name from time-table not matching the actual broadcasting due to changes not being updated and this also requires user to change title name manually.
Besides the above, I have encountered the following recording problem:
1) A program is recorded twice for unknown reason. When I record a movie at Jade HD, the movie was recorded in one file normally at Sat 20:47 for 2:30 hrs but there is another file for the same movie recorded at 22:30 for 1 hr. This happens for 3 weeks already.
2) I have deleted a repeating program recording schedule MTV5000D keep recording the same program after the recording schedule is deleted.
Can you advise how to rectify the above?
Wish there is new firmware to tackle the above the making the product more user friendly.
I have enjoyed the good quality of MTV5000D and find it very useful. The recent updated firmware for viewing mt2s file is also useful.
I wish that in the new firmware can enable us to view other video file format, like vob, mpg or avi so that this can be used as a media player as well. I trust this will also help to attract more buyers.