使用EI8HT 格式化的硬碟 轉到MTV上注意事項

22 12月 2008

A Kindly reminder...
如果使用過EI8HT 格式化硬碟成FAT32,再轉到MTV上首次試用,介面可能會停住。

當然,如果想錄影較穩定及錄影的檔案不會分開為一個個4G file,可以用MTV去格式化硬碟。

FAT32 喺Linux 有個問題, 係有D人format個FAT32, 個FAT table 嘅free cluster嘅資料係錯嘅
咁Linux kernel 一要做D野(eg. statfs() ), 就會走去將個disk幾百G由頭到尾讀一次, 計下有幾多free cluster.
過程完全block左喺statfs()度, MTV 個UI 都俾佢block住左.
等佢計完就resume 返.

大家想試的話, 搵8仔format做FAT32, 之後插入MTV, 萬試萬靈

-thanks davidtlwong 提供

香港討論區 - magictv MTV3000 確認不到外置harddisk,各位請幫忙


匿名 說...

I have no problem woo.

I converted all recorded program from Eight using H264tscutter (.trp to .ts) and then creat "tv" files using TV File editor. I just plug my Maxtor Basic 500G and plug to MTV3000 and it can watch all the files. The only problem is the Playback Timebar didn't show the correct time played.

My HD was formated with Eight in FAT32. It run very smooth for a months in my MTV3000. It can even power-off when Magic TV is in standby mode.

IShin 說...

What davidtlwong means is...
the situation MAY occur.

I think what he means is...
if you format with EI8HT and then nerver plug it to any other platforms(e.g. PC)..

and then plug in to MTV... the situation will occurs.

Anyway... it's not a big problem coz it will be auto corrected when plug into other platforms.

p.s. some user has experienced with this bug
