有以下幾點值得留意 ;)
- 在頭2秒內(00:00-00:02)按X,都會視為在0:00 開始
- 在尾2秒內按✔(tick),都會視為cut到視頻最後那一秒
- 視頻播完畫面會定格2秒,這時你也可按✔(tick) 標示結尾
- 標示錯的X或✔(tick),可以在4秒內再按該鍵清除
- 善用 |< 及 >| 鍵,可forward30秒/backward 8秒
- cut from the beginning:
- play from the beginning, press X once the timebar show up at 00:00, later mark a V (tick) when the wanted video start
- first mark a V (tick) when the wanted video start, then press the green left < key (5mins jump back) to jump back to the beginning at 00:00 and mark a X
- if a X mark is at 00:00 to 00:02 (first 2s), the system will assume to cut from the beginning 00:00
- cut the end:
- first mark a X when the UNwanted video start, then press the green right > key (5mins jump forward) to jump to the end and mark a V (tick)
- when the video reach the end (normal play, fast forward or direct jump), the picture will "pause" around 2 seconds, during the "pause", add a V (tick) to mark the end
- if a V (tick) mark is at the last 2 seconds of the clip, the system will assume to mark at the end
- cut at the middle:
- mark a X when the UNwanted video start, then mark a V (tick) when the wanted video start
- fine tune mark point:
- when you marked a wrong X or V, within 4 seconds, press the same X or V again to remove the incorrect X or V mark
- use the |< key to jump back 8s to make a new mark at the correct position
- use the green left/right </> key to jump between V (tick) mark
- jump to a V (tick) mark first, then use the |< key to jump back 8s to the X mark before the V mark
》avbuzz主題:MagicTV MTV3000 recording firmware
其實|< 與 >|的使用方法同Microsoft MCE差唔多,
>| 向前30秒跳廣告
|< 跳過龍的話,向後退回8秒; 有時想重聽上一句對話, 按一下跳前8秒
thx, 我update 返篇文喇。
我今朝都怒用 |< 同 >| 移動時間黎剪輯
真係好好用 :D
hello,happy Sunday
一個月一個firmware真係好穩陣 :P